Week 13: Reading Diary A

India is not chaotic

Chaos of Diversity
Should we call it chaos because we can't handle the diversity of patterns?

Increase the ability to join the dots.
Mind is a pattern. Dots is the knowledge. Line is drawn wisdom.

US: Systematic - Order (Road Signs)
Pattern while organized seems exclusive.
Bilingual indicators.

Patterns feel chaotic when there is multi patterns uni patterns feel more organized to those who only no one lens.

Less 40% speak the same language.

Uddhar = Liberation from boundaries
No boundaries in Nature yet it is highly organized

Order there is a gardener who decides?

No central control - customization - different pattern

Negotiated patterns

1) Exclude. Categorize. Organize
2) Expand Understanding

Do you:

Think Chaos, seek control
Think Pattern, find answers


Web Developer Intern at NextThought, Computer Science Stuent at OU | Interested in: edtech, edm, learning, coding, entrepreneurship | Co-Founder of Edcamp Stilly.

1 comment:

  1. Josh, I am glad you liked that video! It's really short, though, and you need to watch some more to really get into the mythology and legend aspect. The videos that I had put up as readings for the class are here (the idea is about an hour of video for a diary, kind of like going to class). Here they are, and they all have notes:
    Devdutt Pattanaik videos. You'll see some of the same themes come up but in much more detail, and with illustrations since these videos are prompted by the images that he is writing about, which is very cool, and gives a good reason for watching them as videos.
