Week 1 Curation

Source: Sunrise

This keeps my life in order. It integrates with everything from Facebook to Linkedin. Sunrise is my go to calendar app. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't use this app. I would suggest this calendar to anyone who is looking for a solid app to help them organize their life. Plus, you can have multiple accounts on one calendar. 

Try it out

Source: Postach.io

Source: Evernote

These two have to go together for me! Evernote used to be just a note taking app I would visit at random times. I'd use it for a bit then go back to ignoring it. Now that I blog every single day with Postach.io. I use evernote daily now. Postach.io uses an evernote notebook as your blog and each note is a post or page. I love using it so much. It is one of the easiest ways to get a blog started and going. There are of course other options but I'm content right now. 

Source: Trello
Trello started out as a something I used at work only for development. Now, it has crossed over into my life. You can use it to create a board and then lists within that board. There is so much organizing power behind it! Plus, it is free. I would suggest checking it out. This will be list heaven for people who love to stay organized. You can create unlimited boards and share it with people too.  

Source: Mailbox

I'm one of those zero inbox people. I keep on top of my inbox and don't let it grow like a wild garden. There is no way I could do that alone. Mailbox helps me auto swipe and filter out unwanted mail. My mailbox is free of spam. When it does enter my inbox, I unsubscribe and autofilter for next time. I'm a stickler when it comes to design as well. It's design hits that happiness spot in my mind. I am able to use ou, work, gmail emails all in one place too. I can manage everything from one gorgeous mail client. 

Lastly, I thought it would be fun to share my home screen of my phone. I wonder how much you could learn from someone's home screen of their phone. This is a place that we visit so many times throughout the day that real estate on the first screen is valuable. The apps that aren't in a folder are highly visited apps. Social and news are visited most often after that. I'd love to know what apps you use the most. 


Web Developer Intern at NextThought, Computer Science Stuent at OU | Interested in: edtech, edm, learning, coding, entrepreneurship | Co-Founder of Edcamp Stilly.

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