Week 13: Curation Spaces

Curation Source

Khan Academy - You Can Learn Anything

This site is setup around growth mindset. It is pushing for the phrase you can learn anything. Sal Khan does an interview with Carol Dweck to talk about growth mindset. This is the video I watched this week for my growth mindset post. Go poke around and explore.

7 Secrets from Hindu Calendar Art Forward

I wanted to learn more about the reason behind the book I was watching the video for. I was hoping Dev would explain why he had chosen these photos and what he hoped people would learn from watching his videos and reading his book. There are also a new of ordering options on this site.

Current News Article focused on Growth Mindset

I wanted to find an article that was current and see what they were talking about in terms of Growth Mindset. We have watched videos for class and read about it. Reading this article helps give me more information on the feelings of it currently and what is happening within the space. I would like to read more because one article isn't going to give me a complete picture.


Web Developer Intern at NextThought, Computer Science Stuent at OU | Interested in: edtech, edm, learning, coding, entrepreneurship | Co-Founder of Edcamp Stilly.


  1. Hi Josh! I wanted to let you know that, for reasons not clear to me (CyberMonday maybe?), Devdutt's brand-new Gita book is FREE for Kindle at Amazon. Weird, but true! Link:
    I grabbed a copy!

    1. I just got it. Thank you for the heads up!! That's a wonderful way to begin cyber Monday.
