Week 2 Review

We need to teach kids that knowledge isn't solely gained while in the classroom. Knowledge can be acquired through as seen in the picture, or through the vast resource that is the internet. My story is a testament to this as I taught myself programming through the internet. I've learned so much through reading and engaging online. One can even engage within the community to learn about their surroundings and neighbors.
With this power then, we must choose to actively use it. Gaining knowledge with no purpose would be okay short term but long term there needs to be a plan in place. As we learn in college, the further along in the degree the narrower and more specific the focus becomes. It's still good to reach out of that focus every once in awhile. At the end of the day, we need to use our knowledge to do something great.

Announcement used. 


Web Developer Intern at NextThought, Computer Science Stuent at OU | Interested in: edtech, edm, learning, coding, entrepreneurship | Co-Founder of Edcamp Stilly.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Josh,
    I really enjoyed reading your review over week 2. I definitely agree that knowledge is not solely gained in the classroom. In fact, I would be bold enough to say that I believe you can actually learn more outside of the classroom than inside. It all depends on who your "teachers" are when you are outside or inside the classroom. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
