Tech Tip Week 2: SoundCloud Embed

1. Go to SoundCloud and Find the Song

2. Click the share button

3. Click the Embed

4. Copy the Code & Preview into a post


Web Developer Intern at NextThought, Computer Science Stuent at OU | Interested in: edtech, edm, learning, coding, entrepreneurship | Co-Founder of Edcamp Stilly.

1 comment:

  1. Josh, I am so grateful for this!!! On my long (long long LONG) list of tasks to do this weekend, one is to add some more Tech Tips, and SoundCloud is one I wanted to do, since I'm actually using it myself for class. Thank you so much for this! I think it is so much more cool anyway to have tips coming from you guys instead of from me. Fantastic! I'll be working on Tips tomorrow or maybe even today, and you have given me a head start. Thank you!!!
