Reflections: Looking Back

Course Seed Source

I have loved interacting with my classmates this past 8 weeks. Reading each story gives me a perspective different from my own. There are a lot of talented writers in this class and it makes it even better!

I've learned so much in this class. At times, I have been overwhelmed with the number of character introduced on a daily basis. Choosing to watch videos instead of read has helped me so much. I am able to put a face to a name. I would love to find time to go read some graphic novels. I need to take a breather and dive into Drona.

The stories and characters I've been introduced to during this semester will leave with me after the class is over. I can't wait to continue learning afterwards. One thing I thought of is there is way to much content in this course for only one semester. I want to continue on after the course is done to dive deeper into some of the epics.

I love the structure of the course. I want to push ahead because I am often falling behind because I travel on the weekends.

Proudest Post so Far: Thataka - Week 2


Web Developer Intern at NextThought, Computer Science Stuent at OU | Interested in: edtech, edm, learning, coding, entrepreneurship | Co-Founder of Edcamp Stilly.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Josh! I absolutely agree with you about the overwhelming part, there's so many characters sometimes that I get them confused because I only have a very small knowledge base of each character, and it's especially hard if the names are similar! I really hadn't thought of actually watching the videos and I'm sure I wouldn't get quite so confused if I used all the resources that are available to us! I also love the structure and I wish there were more online courses like it!
